Sleep Walker  – 2022 – 2023 @ National Gallery of Victoria

This work was apart of a group exhibition called Slippery images, shown as a part of ‘Melbourne now, curated by Maggie Finch

For a catalogue of works please contact:

Sleep walker is a photographic installation that builds on the artist’s contribution to the State of Disruption exhibition at the Centre for Contemporary Photography in 2022, and Horizon at Caves Gallery in 2021.

For this new commission, Rees presents a series of hand-printed photographs within a transparent red ‘corridor’. The structure acts as a site of fractional encounters and as a large-scale aperture that frames and reframes the works of both Rees and, temporarily, the surrounding artists, as visitors navigate the space.

The result is an effect recalling the experience of being inside a darkroom, with the transformation of all that is viewed through the walls into pure red, but also the uncanny shifting position of the visitor, who is both voyeur and someone viewed when passing through the corridor. This work continues Rees’s exploration into altered states of vision, through image making and architectural intervention.